Minneapolis-based artist Brock Davis continues to delight his fans with his quirky iPhone photos. These are some of his favorite shots from 2013, as he continues to experiment with iPhone photography. Davis proves that you don’t need fancy props to create art people can appreciate. With over 106,000 followers on Instagram, the artist is widely popular for his ability to see how fun art can be made from everyday objects.
Back in 2010, we asked Brock what tips he could give us on how to be more creative. He replied, “I think it’s important to not be afraid to fail. I have a lot of ideas, sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. I just keep trying until it works and I learn from the times that it does not. I also think it’s good to always be a student. Absorb as much as you can, be a student of art, design and popular culture.”
If you can’t get enough of Brock, check out some of his best iPhone photos in 2012. (Love the toy car launching off the cake.)
Parsley on Apple/Tree on Hill
Popcorn Kernel in Thought
Grape Dog
Good Morning
Shark – Fillet Knife/Bread Knife
Chopstick Pants
Mint Match
Crayon Tree/Carved with Sewing Needle