Colorful Amazonian Tribal Tattoos Inspired by Sacred Indigenous Patterns

amazonian tribal tattoos brian gomes amazon islamic art

To artist Brian Gomes, tattoos are more than just body art; they are “the ripe fruit of the soul.” Both Gomes’ spiritual approach to the practice and his unique artistic perspective are apparent in his collection of colorful and symbolic Amazonian tribal tattoos. Predominantly inspired by the area’s indigenous art, the eye-catching designs are as beautiful as they are meaningful.

Gomes’ series of South American tattoos feature intricate, interwoven lines, geometric and symmetrical blocks of bright color, and stylized, nature-inspired motifs, including floral elements, leaves, and birds. Many of Gomes’ tribal tattoos pay homage to the country’s groups that have inspired him, from the Peruvian ShipiboConibo people to the Brazil-based Huni Kuin clan. As an admirer of the deeply sacred patterns personal to each tribe, Gomes opts to honor the exquisite works of art by emulating them in ink—though, out of respect for the spiritual beliefs and rituals associated with the patterns, he never directly copies the hallowed creations.

In addition to the revered Amazonian aesthetic, Gomes also cites a myriad of other muses in his craft, including pointillism, sacred geometry, the mandala symbol, and Islamic art. With such an inspired aesthetic, a wide range of moving influences, and an evident passion for the tattoo art form, Gomes has managed to turn a career into a philosophical journey.

See some of Gomes’ Amazonian tribal tattoos below.

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h/t: [Illusion]

All images via Brian Gomes.

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