Photographer Creates Visual Love Letter to the Welcoming Land and People of Peru

Notes to Peru is a heartfelt visual dedication to the people and animals who have shaped the land of Peru. Moved by the spirit of the country, San Francisco-based photographer Brian Flaherty created this series of portraits during a recent trip with his wife. Forgoing a road-map and plans, the pair roamed the country and were delighted with the natural wonders of the land, and the overwhelming warmth of its people.

The photographer and his wife took a guided trek through the Andes, stopping in small, remote villages along the way. They found that the local people offered a wealth of hospitality, welcoming the pair warmly despite language barriers. The faces seen within Flaherty’s portraits are well-weathered and marked, showing generations of people accustomed to conditions that seemed extreme and unfamiliar to the traveling couple. Flaherty was particularly touched by the overwhelming sense of community he felt, with a palpable sense of “togetherness and selflessness evident throughout the trip.” 

Throughout his journey, the photographer was continuously moved by the country and its people who put their “bodies, hearts, and souls into their work”; a contrast to the culture of consumerism and individualism promoted by other countries. Notes to Peru gives a glimpse into an alternative way of living and a diverse and genuine network of people who embrace a different lifestyle, despite the harsh environments they live in.

Brian Flaherty: Website | Instagram | Tumblr
via [Feature Shoot]

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