Ethereal Ocean Paintings Celebrate the Tranquil Beauty of the Infinite Sea

Ocean Wave Paintings by Bree Brooks

Artist Bree Brooks celebrates the tranquil beauty of the ocean through her ethereal paintings. Created on canvas, her pictures offer aerial views of large bodies of water often offset by a coastline or boats as they plod along in an infinite abyss. The compositions are overwhelmingly blue, and Brooks pays careful attention to the subtle hue shifts in the tide. Within a single painting, the seas can appear dark and tempestuous when far from the coast while relatively calm as the light blue waves hit the shore. This duality not only provides visual interest but reminds us of the incredible power of the cerulean body.

Brooks has traveled the world and creates ocean waves paintings as a way to reflect her experiences. By doing this, her inspiration changes depending on where she is or her mood. “Recently I’ve been painting my escape from the crowds of coastal cities,” she writes. “In a world of chaos and places full of noise I have always treasured my time submerged in nature.” Brooks likes to listen to the surrounding environment, which we often cannot hear over the sounds of cars and people. Her ocean paintings serve as a way for her to remember this world as “peaceful, non-judgmental and connected in every single way.”

For more serene scenes of the sea, follow Brooks’ work in progress through her Instagram.

Artist Bree Brooks creates ocean waves paintings that celebrate the power and tranquility of the sea.

Ocean PaintingOcean Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Wave Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Wave Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Wave Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Wave Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Wave Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Wave Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Paintings by Bree BrooksOcean Painting

Bree Brooks: Website | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by Bree Brooks

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