Eco-Friendly Logo Redesigns Promises to Save Millions a Year in Printing Costs

Branding Design

Sustainability is a pressing issue in fields like architecture, but it’s relatively rare in the world of branding design. This facet of the graphic industry, however, is getting an “ecological transformation.” Through the design company Ecobranding, they tweak logos and optimize them so that they use less ink and energy when reproduced.

“Naturally, one logo isn’t too expensive to print because it doesn’t need much ink,” they write, “but printing a single logo on a billion bottles? That’s huge!” By making small changes to the branding—such as “hollowing out” a once-solid shape—Ecobranding says they can save 10% to 40% in printing costs, with the essence of an identity remaining the same. “Printer ink costs two times as much as Chanel N°5. Limiting the use of ink can save millions on a global production.”

Ecobranding has shown example concepts with some of the most recognizable brand design out there. From FedEx to Nike to Starbucks, they calculate that with their help, these companies could use up to 39% less ink. And with the conversation about climate change becoming increasingly dire, everyone needs to do their part to help minimize their environmental impact.

We don’t often hear about sustainability practices in branding design, but one company wants to change that.

Branding Design

Called Ecobranding, they will tweak an existing logo so that it still has its essence, but uses less ink in the printing process.

Branding Design

The measure will save companies money and use less energy. Here’s some of Ecobranding’s proposed changes:

Branding DesignEcobranding: Website
h/t: [Design TAXI]

All images via Ecobranding.

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