Dad Spends 15 Years Collecting 1,785 Bowling Balls to Build a Giant Pyramid

Many people love to keep a collection of sorts. Whether it’s weird, silly, or entertaining, the joy one feels from accumulating one particular type of object is quite common. Some of these collections, however, are more conspicuous than others—they can’t be neatly displayed on a shelf, but the spectacle is part of the fun. Redditor buildingsonfire recently shared one that was 15 years in the making: 1,785 bowling balls that are displayed in a giant pyramid.

The inspiration for this impressive sculpture was simple. “My folks saw a picture of a bowling ball pyramid in like 2001 and decided to build one,” buildingsonfire explained. Almost every ball was donated or recovered from an alley that had planned on discarding them. There are a few gifted globes on the structure, but overall, this was an inexpensive collection to curate.

Many Redditors, while impressed, pointed out that the crevasses are a breeding ground for mosquitoes and spiders. The dad was one step ahead of them, though—he turned every ball upside down to prevent water collection in the finger holes, and the pyramid is regularly sprayed for cleaning. To further ensure that this structure remains sound, the base of the balls rest on crushed gravel, which also encourages drainage. With these things taken care of, dad can sit back and admire the quirky pyramid he built. 

A lot of the black bowling balls came from military surplus stores. 

The sturdy base is 17 feet by 17 feet. 

via [Reddit]

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