Photo: @brocubaMY
For a student, sitting in a classroom for hours at a time can get monotonous—especially as a instructor lectures on and on, day after day. Many bored students can’t sit idly by without doing something, so doodling is a great way to keep their hands busy and minds occupied while class goes on. Not all of that drawing is technically allowed though; doodling in a textbook is generally frowned upon, but in some cases, the resulting illustrations are so clever and funny that teachers can’t stay mad—they’re impressed!
Some of the best textbook doodles are incorporated into the images that are already in the publications. Using pens and pencils, they’re transformed with crazy outfits and drawn into absurd situations. With this bit of imagination, the previously stuffy photos and dry diagrams are given a much-needed comedic upgrade.
Two of our favorite textbook drawings add a modern twist to conventional historic portraits. In separate images posted by Twitter user @brocubaMY, each of the illustrations feature a man’s photo that’s redrawn and imagined as a selfie—selfie stick and all. It’s certainly one unconventional way to bring “learning” into the 21st century.
Check out bored students who broke the rules to create some of the best textbook doodles around.
Funny Hair Observation

Photo: Imgur
Physical Education Prediction Doodles

Photo: @corenocirofa
Completing the Periodic Table

Photo: Hightechkid9
Pop Culture Meets Calculus

Photo: Threequarks
Selfie Time!

Photo: @brocubaMY
Baseball is Older Than You Think

Photo: @ciropinitav

Photo: Imgur
Textbook Doodle Reboot

Photo: Imgur
Jurassic Storage Case

Photo: Imgur
Portrait Buddies

Photo: Imgur
Funny Hair Observation

Photo: Imgur
Shocking Chemistry

Photo: @peten0739
Curvy Calculus

Photo: Imgur
Unexpected Action Beyond the Portrait

Photo: @yoshitakaseiko
Selfie Time!

Photo: @rakugaki_www1
Physical Education Inner Monologue

Photo: 16bitpsych2
The Food Chain

Photo: Imgur
Choose Your Own Adventure

Photo: Imahappyguy
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