Firefighter Lets Blind 6-Year-Old “See” His Uniform in His Own Way

Blind Boy Sees What a Firefighter Looks Like

Photo: Screenshots from Reddit

When we think of firefighters, a distinctly protective uniform and a red firetruck usually come to mind. A group of children were on a field trip to a fire station to learn more about the profession and what it entails and among them was a blind 6-year-old. Rather than exclude him from what was going on, one kind firefighter pulled him aside and let him “see” his uniform in his own way.

The heartwarming video was shared on Reddit. In it, we see the child setting aside his mobility stick to properly explore the heavy clothing and gear with both hands. As he pats down all of the different protective elements, the firefighter tells him aloud what they are, including his face mask and helmet, and patiently explains their purpose.

Although the video is a little less than a minute long, it is clearly an important moment for the young boy, as he is able to learn about firefighters alongside his classmates. Many in the comments expressed their admiration and appreciation for the firefighter for taking the time to help the boy acquaint himself with the complicated gear so that no one missed out on the educational field trip.

A kind firefighter let a blind 6-year-old “see” what he looked like.

A blind 6-year old boy came to a fire station wanting to “see” what firefighters looked like. When this fireman found out the boy was blind, this is what he did.
by u/Simpleballers in nextfuckinglevel

h/t: [Reddit]

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