This Bird Nest Omelette With Rice Ball Chicks Makes Breakfast Almost Too Cute to Eat

@tastemadejapan でもさ、こんなかわいいひよこちゃん達食べられる、、? #不憫 #ひよこオムライス #オムライス #omelette #tiktokfood #テイストメイド #tiktokレシピ #japanesefood ♬ 最上級にかわいいの! – 超ときめき♡宣伝部

Japanese creativity and love for kawaii characters permeates even the world of food. And while examples of this can surely be found in trendy eateries and viral snacks, it has also found its way to everyday dishes cooked at home. A prime example of this is a recipe shared by Tastemade Japan, whose bird nest omurice is so simple yet so adorable it seems to even tell a story from your pan to your plate.

Omurice is basically an omelette made with fried rice and a thin layer of scrambled eggs, often topped with ketchup. And while we’ve seen Japanese food artists explore the creative possibilities of rice balls, this creation takes it to the next level.

This particular bird nest omelette stars a group of chicks made out of rice balls. Their eyes are made of sesame seeds—allowing for a variety of concerned and sleepy expressions–and their beaks are two pieces of corn placed together. The rice chicks are then bathed in scrambled eggs, and moved carefully with a spatula in a circular motion to form a cozy nest around them. The dish is then complemented with some herbs and even a sausage cut into the shape of a cheerful octopus—and it’s topped with ketchup, of course.

The company has also compiled other equally cute ideas that will sure put a smile on your face. Whether it’s an expressive bear pastry or a grilled cheese sandwich with a funny face, these snacks are sure to be conversation starters! To stay up to date with their charming delicacies, follow Tastemade Japan on TikTok.

Tastemade Japan created a bird nest omurice recipe so simple yet so adorable it seems to even tell a story from your pan to your plate. Here are some other cute breakfast and snack ideas they’ve created.

@tastemadejapan ひよこさんゆで卵を料理してたらぴよぴよ泣き始めたんだが… #ゆで卵 #泣き方のクセ #ひよこさんゆで卵 #tiktokfood #tiktokレシピ #テイストメイド #japanesefood #eggs ♬ ナニコレ珍百景のテーマ(展覧会の絵) – サウンドワークス

@tastemadejapan 背徳感たっぷり!伸び〜るチーズトースト #背徳感 #チーズすっきゃねん #トーストアレンジ #カロリー #チョコペンで落書き #tiktokfood #tiktokレシピ #テイストメイド #japanesefood #cheese ♬ Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa – IamBatus & rich disease

@tastemadejapan @s3526760に返信 こういう一手間で垣間見れる“センス”ー #芸術点あげたい #お弁当 #ピクニック #テイストメイド #tiktokfood #egg #tiktokレシピ #japanesefood ♬ 男の子のために可愛いわけじゃない! – 星乃夢奈

@tastemadejapan @珠理奈に返信 プリケツ(プリティなケツ)は世界を救う #色んなわんちゃん色んなプリケツ #ブサカワ #パン作り #犬のいる生活 #テイストメイド #tiktokfood #tiktokレシピ #japanesefood #baking #puppy ♬ Osanpo (feat. 般若 & R-指定) [Remix] – SOCKS & DJ RYOW

@tastemadejapan @user7056007130028に返信 投稿したことあるけど、材料2つで可愛いのはこれ! #ホワイトデー #ホットケーキミックス #くま #マフィン #バニラアイス #tiktokfood #tiktokレシピ #テイストメイド #japanesefood #whiteday ♬ エイムに愛されしガール – 湊あくあ

Tastemade Japan: Website | YouTube | TikTok

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