Stunning Photos of Sunsets Projected onto Shattered Mirrors

Broken Mirror / Evening Sky is a stunning series by New York-based photographer Bing Wright, who creates breathtaking images of sunsets seen through shattered mirrors. Richly colored skyscapes are distorted by the cracked glass, abstracting the traditional image of a sunset in a visually striking way. Although the compositions are cohesive in their gorgeous saturation and gradient hues, Individual fragments do not align entirely with the pieces next to them, creating an interesting contrast between uniformity of color and the splinters that disturb the image. The final prints are large, measuring up to 4-feet-wide and 6-feet-tall, evoking the appearance of splendid stained-glass windows to viewers who stand before the prints.

Wright’s process of creating the final image involves several steps: he first photographs the setting sun, then projects those images onto small mirrors that he has broken in his studio. The artist then re-photographs the reflected images and enlarges them into the final, large-scale prints. Broken Mirror / Evening Sky marks the artist’s first use of color photography in nearly a decade.

The eye-catching series reflects Wright’s recurring themes of abstraction and representation. According to the James Harris Gallery, which represents the photographer in Seattle, “While more abstract than some of his earlier works, the composition carries a narrative that enables the viewer to collectively experience the beauty of the sunsets the artist has captured, while facilitating an individual interpretation of the emotion they imbue. We are presented with pictorial images, fragmented and in disrepair – a reminder that everything beautiful is flawed and imperfect.”

Bing Wright Website
via [Colossal]

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