Bernard Pras Forms Incredible Anamorphic Portrait Out of Found Objects

French artist Bernard Pras, who is known for creating mind-boggling anamorphic illusions out of found objects, unveiled his latest installation at Le palais idal in Hauterives, France. When viewed from the right perspective, a seemingly random pile of trash is revealed to be an enormous sculptural portrait of Ferdinand Cheval, a simple French postman who spent 33 years stacking stones to construct Le palais idal.

Similar to Cheval, Pras relies on recovering miscellaneous objects to create his artwork. In his hands, discarded and broken chairs, boards, figurines, and other items become the medium with which to construct astonishing examples of visual anamorphosis–a distorted perspective requiring the viewer to use special devices or occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image. Looking at each individual component and its precise placement in the overall portrait, one can’t help but marvel at the artist’s eye for perspective and his painstaking assembly of the piece.

This installation, along with other anamorphic works by Pras, will be on display at Le palais idal until August 31.

Bernard Pras’ website
via [Laughing Squid]
Images via [The Kid Should See This], [lire, crire, randonner], [Junkculture], [Les sites touristiques de la Drme]

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