Stark White Geometric Animal Sculptures by Ben Foster

Kaikoura, New Zealand-based sculptor Ben Foster creates modern, inorganic renderings of animals that boast a geometric design. Each sculpture in his portfolio, whether it be a seal balancing an invisible ball, a horse standing in place, or a dog howling at the moon, blurs the lines between the real and abstract. They also each incite spectators to shift their positions to get the full visual spectrum of their complex shape.

As one moves around one of Foster’s sculptures, light and shadows dance around the geometric design of the body. From one angle it may look like an animal made entirely of multi-toned triangles, while another perspective offers a more uniform appearance in color and texture. In the end, it is an inanimate and artistic imitation of an organic entity. Foster says, “My works are a culmination of the natural and the manmade – a careful balance of form and motion.”

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