Wickedly Humorous Illustrations Add Clever Twists to Pop Culture

Illustrator Ben Chen’s dark sense of humor and love of pop culture result in incredibly imaginative and clever illustrations. Chen, whose work we’ve previously shared, creates digital artworks that are filled with bold color schemes, cartoonish flair, playful twists, and an often morbid hilarity.

The unique illustrations offer a fresh and comical look at familiar situations, often combining characters from different movies, TV shows, and video games. Garfield the cat meets the Godfather in one unexpectedly brilliant, pop culture mashup. Other illustrations, such as the one depicting frogs exacting their revenge by dissecting humans, take a conventional premise, only to turn it completely on its head.

In addition to Flickr, Chen can also be found on Threadless, where many of his amazing illustrations have been printed on T-shirts. To wear his quirky designs, be sure to check out the apparel site!

Ben Chen on Flickr
Ben Chen on Threadless
via [etoday]

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