Taking beautiful photos of flowers from Flickr, Golan Levin and Kyle McDonald worked their magic to give us a whole new way of enjoying them. Using panoramic-imaging software that they co-wrote, they produced flower panoramas, or panoramic images from inside a flower.
The software was originally created not to unwrap flowers, however, but to unwrap the 360-degree panoramic digital videos produced by the popular Sony Bloggie solid-state camera. They modified the software and called it FlowerUnwarper, optimizing it for unwarping flower images. They’ve even provided the source code, so you can try this out yourself!
Dahlia 2
Anemone Flower
Strokes’ Aster
Passion Fruit Flower
English Daisy
Daisy 2
Daisy 3
Pink Wood Sorrel
Queen Victoria Agave
The whole flower set can be found on Flickr.
via todayandtomorrow