The Girl Who Got Swept Away into a Dream

Photographer Beata Cervin, who is based in Stockholm, Sweden, takes an ethereal approach to her body of work labeled Magic. The light and airy aesthetic has the appeal of a sun-soaked fairy tale–bright and dreamy. There’s a girlish charm about her photos that seems to not only refresh one’s senses but captivate one’s imagination.

Rather than taking her photography into the depths of the land of the surreal, where there is no sense of direction and nothing is easily translated, Cervin adds hints of oddities, often in the form of light and gravity-defiance. The inexplicable levitating bodies that appear in the photographer’s portfolio seem to weightlessly float in the air. It’s as though time stands still for this graceful young woman.

There are also beautiful and, appropriately, magical elements incorporated into these images that enhance the fantasy Cervin visually writes. A single pink balloon and a giant feather each seem to have the ability to whisk the pixie-like subject into the infinite heavens. Even when she’s seated, she’s dreaming, as stories emerge from her book. Overall, her images seem to weave the tale of a girl who gets swept away into a beautiful dream.

Beata Cervin website
Beata Cervin on Flickr
via [farewell kingdom]

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