These Are Barack Obama’s Favorite Music, Movies, and Books of 2018

Former President Barack Obama recently shared his list of favorite books, music, and movies of 2018. Now an annual tradition, this end-of-year inventory reflects his intellectual curiosity and just how in-tune he is with popular culture.

Obama is acutely aware of his influence, and the best of 2018 lists are also a way of lifting up creators from all walks of life. “It gives me a moment to pause and reflect on the year through the books, movies, and music that I found most thought-provoking, inspiring, or just plain loved,” he wrote on Instagram. “It also gives me a chance to highlight talented authors, artists, and storytellers—some who are household names and others who you may not have heard of before.”

So, what did Obama love this past year? The imitable Cardi B and his friends Beyonce and Jay-Z made the list for favorite songs, while the Marvel movie Black Panther and the Mister Rogers documentary Won’t You Be My Neighbor were among his cherished films. Obama’s book selection, however, is the most impressive of the three lists and demonstrates that he’s a voracious reader. His wife Michelle wrote her memoir Becoming, which, he mentioned, was “obviously my favorite!” Beyond that, he included many more memoirs and non-fiction books that highlight his desire to understand our ever-changing world and the people that live in it.

Check out Obama’s list below via his Instagram. Chances are that you share something you loved in 2018 with the 44th President!

Former President Barack Obama shared his best of 2018 list of music, movies, and books that he enjoyed this year.

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