Banksy’s Top 10 Most Creative and Controversial NYC Works

For the whole month of October, Banksy took over the streets of New York City with his Better Out Than In project, leaving his mark in different areas every single day. Though some of his graffiti has been painted over and his installations taken down, we’re lucky enough to live in an age where almost everything is documented and we can take a look back on the temporary works and continue to appreciate them.

Top photo: 10) October 16th: A fibreglass replica of Ronald McDonald having his shoes shined by a real live boy. The sculpture visited the sidewalk outside a different McDonalds every lunchtime for a week.

While the elusive artist was able to spend most of his 31-day public residency in the Big Apple spreading whimsy with his sense of humor, there were also days when he touched on controversial subjects. In either case, he never ceased to approach his subjects with creativity. Now that it’s November, we can reminisce and look back with some perspective. Here’s our list of the top 10 most creative and controversial Banksy pieces from his New York street project.


9) October 1st (Manhattan)

Stencils of two boys playfully interacting with an anti-graffiti sign.


8) October 15th (Tribeca)

A stencil of New York’s famous skyline featuring the World Trade Center with a fiery flower carefully placed to mimic the historic explosion that changed the city’s skyline forever.


7) October 29th (23rd Street)

“The banality of the banality of evil”
A thrift store painting vandalized and then re-donated to the thrift store.


6) October 2nd (Westside)

Funny typographic representation of New Yorker accents and attitudes.


5) October 13th (Central Park)

“Art Sale”
A stall set up in the park selling 100% original signed Banksy canvases without any sign indicting authenticity or even Banksy’s name. For $60 each. One day only.


4) October 24th (Hell’s Kitchen)

Stencil of a man with wilting flowers waiting in vain at the door of a strip club.


3) October 20th (Upper West Side)

“Hammer Boy”
A silhouette of a young child about to hit a fire hydrant with a sledgehammer like a carnival game.


2) October 5th (All City)

A New York delivery truck converted into a mobile garden (includes rainbow, waterfall and butterflies).


1) October 11th (Meatpacking District)

“Sirens of the Lambs”
A slaughterhouse delivery truck touring the meatpacking district and then citywide for two weeks.

Banksy website

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