This Adorable Dog Has the Most Concerned Looking Face All the Time

Having to be productive after Sunday funday 👈🏻

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When the world seems uncertain, we’ve always got animals on the internet as a way to feel better. Some offer laughter and comfort while others commiserate with us by encapsulating our stresses, fears, and general ennui. Old Man Bacon, a senior rescue dog, is one of the latest animals to convey these emotions in a way that’s both adorable and totally relatable.

Part Pekingese, Dachshund, and Chihuahua, Old Man Bacon (complete with a white beard) has an Instagram account that is chock-full of him looking concerned and confused—like he’s just come to the realization that something has gone horribly awry. (Or, like the Jean Ralphio meme, he’s just realized that he’s taken on too much responsibility.) If you’re a chronic over-thinker or a worry wart, Bacon is bound to be your spirit animal.

Despite the many shots of Bacon seeming troubled, rest assured that he’s simply a pup with a naturally emotive facial expression. He was rescued over a year and a half ago by a family in Florida and is now living his best life riding in cars and hanging out with his doggy friends.

Follow Bacon and his adorable expressions on Instagram.

Bacon, a rescue pup living in Florida, makes a variety of dog facial expressions. Some communicate crippling concern…

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…and apathy.

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If you are a worry wart or over-thinker, Bacon is your man.

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But despite his many troubled looks, Bacon is a happy dog living his best life with his family in Florida.

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Old Man Bacon:  Instagram
h/t: [Mashable]

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