August Bradley is a Beautiful Storyteller (10 Photos)

Take one look at these photos and you’ll see that August Bradley is more of a storyteller than a photographer. Filled with drama and mystery, the images “explore the notion of external constraint and the desire for freedom, and the fantasy of what freedom is from the perspective of someone without it.” Bradley carefully crafts scenes out of his imagination and brings these scenes to life in a haunting way. Though the images have a surreal and conceptual quality about them, you feel a connection to his work. If you feel as though he wavers between fashion photographer to conceptual artist, that’s exactly what Bradley wants. “‘The photographic style of the collection evolves from theatrical yet personalized portraits to fashion photography, so the style of the image making evolves with the theme from personal limitations to imagination and aspirational fantasy.” Bradley purposely blurs the line between art and photography. As he states, “It’s helpful to go out of the literal realm of photography, to leave the boundaries we typically view the world from within.”

August Bradley website

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