Makeup Artist Uses Human Face as Unconventional Canvas for Abstract Paintings

Body Art Makeup Artist

Makeup artist Evelyn Affleck is formally trained in the art of beauty, but she still finds time to experiment with the ever-growing field. Calling her Instagram “a collection of ideas,” Affleck chronicles her bold concepts that transform the body into a canvas for abstract works of art.

Affleck covers her face and neck in a variety of motifs. This often takes the form of vibrant, swirling hues or expressive brush strokes that radiate from the eyes or mouth and drip down the cheeks like colorful tears. Glitter, jewels, and other large sequins are also applied as a way to add depth to her painting, resulting in a mask-like effect.

Affleck hails from an artistic family and has explored a wide range of fine art, from music to writing to painting. She was eventually drawn towards makeup, but she uses her wisdom to elevate her practice. “Fine art also gives her a depth and understanding of what makeup can truly be,” Affleck writes, “not just pretty surface decoration but an expression of character, story, and era.”

Evelyn Affleck is a body art makeup artist, transforming the face into a canvas for her abstract paintings.

Pop Art MakeupPop Art MakeupPop Art MakeupPop Art MakeupBody Art Makeup ArtistMakeup Art by Evelyn AffleckBody Art Makeup ArtistBody Art Makeup ArtistBody Art Makeup ArtistPop Art MakeupBody Art Makeup ArtistMakeup Art by Evelyn AffleckEvelyn Affleck: Website | Instagram | Facebook
h/t: [So Super Awesome]

All images via Evelyn Affleck.

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