Man Buys Turtles From Food Market and Sets Them Free in the Sea

Arron Culling and his co-worker Mark were browsing a local market in Papua New Guinea when they came across two sea turtles. Even though a majority of the earth’s sea turtles are classified as endangered or vulnerable, marine turtle fishing is still permitted in places like Papua New Guinea, Mexico, and Australia. In such countries, many seaside regions harvest these creatures for their shells and meat. Once Arron and Mark realized that this was going to be the turtles’ fate, they bought them for about $50, drove them to a safe location, and released them into the sea. Thus far, they’ve rescued around ten sea turtles from certain death and have given them a chance to swim free.

To help protect these beautiful marine reptiles, you can visit the Sea Turtle Conservancy’s website to learn more.

Sea Turtle Conservancy: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Donate
via [Bored Panda, The Dodo]

All images via Arron Culling.

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