Anthony Howe’s Kinetic Sculptures Take on a Life of Their Own as They Move With the Wind

Mum's the Word Anthony Howe Kinetic Sculpture

Washington-based artist Anthony Howe fabricates complex kinetic sculptures that pulsate with a spellbinding fluid motion, resembling some form of otherworldly creature. These metal structures are balanced in perfect symmetry and incorporate assorted interweaving parts that are propelled by the wind. When engaged in their smooth rhythm, the dazzling compositions seem to take on a life of their own—mimicking fellow organisms within our broader physical environment.

The labor-intensive process of creating each piece begins with a digital model that is then translated into the physical world. Each individual component is fitted together bit by bit with exacting precision. And, in spite of their scale and the intricacy of each design, Howe completes the majority of his sculptures without any outside assistance.

“Kinetic sculpture resides at the intersection of artistic inspiration and mechanical complexity,” comments the artist. “The making of one of my pieces relies on creative expression, metal fabrication, and a slow design process in equal parts. It aims to alter one’s experience of time and space when witnessed. It also needs to weather winds of 90 mph and still move in a one mile per hour breeze and do so for hundreds of years.”

You can find more information about Howe’s amazing work on his website. Scroll down to see some of his most incredible creations in action.

Artist Anthony Howe creates mesmerizing kinetic sculptures that move with the wind.

Torso Anthony Howe Kinetic SculptureCirce Anthony Howe Moving Sculpture

These pulsating structures seem to take on a life of their own.

Zarathustra Spinning Structure by Anthony HoweLucea Kinetic Sculpture by Anthony Howe

Watch this video to hear more about Howe’s work.

Anthony Howe: Website | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Anthony Howe.

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