Amazingly Complex Ant Hills Cast as Aluminum Sculptures

It’s rare to see what an actual ant nest looks like underneath the surface of the earth. Anthill Art is an amazing process that captures that magnificent mystery in sculpture form. To create each piece, the anonymous American artist pours molten aluminum into the entrance of an ant hill, filling the tunnels and chambers with the boiling liquid. Once the liquid cools and solidifies, the piece is very carefully excavated and the excess dirt is power washed off. The results are an incredibly detailed display of the tiny, interconnected worlds created by thousands of little ants.

Each unique sculpture displays the different structural styles of varying species including fire ants and carpenter ants. The strange, abstract formations that once served as a home and a workplace are brought to the surface and the intricate details of the complex arrangements are revealed as works of art. There is a bit of controversy over the process, considering that sometimes the hills are abandoned and sometimes they are not, and the artist has provided some responses to that public concern on the Anthill Art Facebook page.

Anthill Art website
via [Laughing Squid]

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