Humorous Charts and Graphs Show What Being an Introvert Is All About

BuzzFeed Life’s assistant health editor Anna Borges created a series of graphs any introvert can relate to. There are pie charts depicting how truly wonderful it is to have a vivid inner world, unwavering sense of self, and top-notch listening skills.

Through her bar graphs, Borges conveys some of the stereotypes introverts face, along with the real-life dilemmas many encounter on a daily basis. And, through her line graphs, which are downright hilarious (and accurate), she adds a healthy dose of humor to depict the cause-and-effect relationships between introverts and the world around them.

All in all, Borges’ “collected data” maps perfectly capture introversion as she reminds viewers that introverts aren’t people who are allergic to others or trying to be unsociable and offensive. They’re simply individuals who are “energized by alone time.”

Anna Borges: Facebook | Twitter | BuzzFeed
via [Design You Trust, BuzzFeed]

All images via BuzzFeed.

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