Artist Shares an Eye with Animals in Stunning Self-Portrait Pairings

Animeyed Flora Borsi Animal Faces Animal Self-Portraits Photo Manipulation

In 2016Flora Borsi captivated us with Animeyed. In the ongoing series of stunning self-portraits, the Hungarian artist cleverly pairs her visage with various animals. Since our discovery, Borsi has added more striking shots to this collection of unique animal self-portraits, culminating in an increasingly enchanting project.

Borsi’s recent Animeyed additions continue to capture the artist’s imaginative and inventive approach to portraiture. Like older hybrids, the more recent photographic manipulations depict the artist as she expertly embodies each of her creature co-stars. In addition to donning colored contacts to meticulously match each animal’s eye color, Borsi also alters her hair color and uses make up to change her skin pigmentation in order to get completely into character. As a result of her efforts, she epitomizes numerous animals, from a pale pink flamingo and a pea green chameleon to a fluffy domestic dog and a perched red squirrel.

In addition to experimenting with the diverse aesthetics of the animal kingdom, Animeyed also unexpectedly aims to confront Borsi’s own identity and femininity. According to her website, “her work often features the female body and she plays with hiding and revealing the eyes or face to leave only the feminine form, exploring questions of female representation and the relationship between body and self.” With this dynamic and dual approach in mind, Borsi’s exquisite series and one-of-a-kind artistic practice both become even more intriguing.

If you’d like to learn more about the artist, be sure to check out her website. And, to see more of her masterly manipulations and self-portraits that conceptualize “dark fantasies and atmospheric dreams,” follow her on Instagram.

Scroll down to see the newest animal faces that Flora Borsi has added to her alluring Animeyed series.

Animeyed Flora Borsi Animal Faces Animal Self-Portraits Photo ManipulationAnimeyed Flora Borsi Animal Faces Animal Self-Portraits Photo ManipulationAnimeyed Flora Borsi Animal Faces Animal Self-Portraits Photo ManipulationAnimeyed Flora Borsi Animal Faces Animal Self-Portraits Photo ManipulationFlora Borsi: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Behance | Tumblr

All images via Flora Borsi.

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