Andrew Salgado’s Intense Eye Paintings Extract Order from Chaotic Colors and Forms

Andrew Salgado continues to develop his artistic talents, effortlessly producing multi-faceted, vibrant paintings on a regular basis. He has a unique eye for blending unexpected splashes of colour with reduced forms to create a relationship between his audience and painted models. With bold brush strokes and geometric shapes, Salgado extracts order from chaos to create his characteristic, emotionally charged portraits.

Salgado’s painted eyes impress an awareness of the infinite. His detailed disorder suggests an alternate world within each subject’s vision, as “marks, drips, and accidents begin to overtake the centrality of the figure.” A figurative painter, Salgado utilises one’s perception of the abstract while incorporating subtle movement and bold tones in order to capture and hold one’s attention to every painting he creates.

Andrew Salgado: Website | Instagram | Facebook
via [My Darkened Eyes]

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