Elegant Illustrations of Animals Made with Graceful Lines and Lively Colors

Graphic designer Andrea Minini is adept at transforming clean, curving lines into elegant creatures. Through his vector illustrations, the artist conveys striking portraits of animals who are represented by sleek, flowing curves and thoughtful shadowing. “What I love in graphic design is speed: good projects have to be clear and powerful at first sight,” Minini told us. For his latest series, the designer continues to expand upon his linear creations by adding color to his Animals in Moir repertoire. “This time I tried to push the process to the limit using just 2 lines to design each animal,” he writes. “And some color of course!”

By adding a splash of vivid colors to his work, Minini demonstrates the power of simplicity. Using basic lines and straightforward colors, he’s able to create wondrous creatures who captivate viewers with their graceful forms.

Andrea Minini: Facebook | Behance
via [Colossal]

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