Shadows Give Illusion of Figures Walking on School Walls

Norwegian-based street artist Anders Gjennestad, also known as Strk, was recently invited to participate in the Memorie Urbane Street Art Festival in Terracina, Italy. His contribution included a group of people painted on either end of an elementary school building. Using his signature technique of multi-layered stencils, the artist used them to create photorealistic images that fool the eye. They distort perspective using strong shadows and gives the illusion that people are walking up walls.

Because Strk’s work graces the sides of a school, it’s only appropriate that he’s created a sense of play among his characters. We can see that there’s an incredible amount of detail in the clothing and hairstyles that showcase his figures’ youth; their energetic stances make it easy to imagine that these are boisterous boys in the middle of a rousing game.

Strk website and Memorie Urbane Street Art Festival website
via [Street Art News]

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