Watch an Adorable Sun Parakeet Prepare a Miniature Breakfast


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Una publicación compartida por みーちゃ。 (@koganeami)

If you have a pet at home, you’ve most likely made feeding time a key part of your routine. For all the joy they may show once their plates are full, wouldn’t it be cool if they could get their own breakfast ready? Turns out there’s one particular bird that can, and she even sets the table neatly and picks up after herself. Meet Ami, a rainbow-colored sun parakeet who has melted hearts around the world with her videos showing her cooking, going to the supermarket, and even vacuuming with tiny bird-sized props.

One of Ami’s most popular clips shows her carefully putting miniature slices of bread in a tiny toaster and then on a plate using her beak. She may be a fan of having tea or coffee with her toast, so she dutifully brings her favorite mug to the table. At first, she happily places it on top of her toast, and looks confused when her human reaches out to fix it. Ultimately, Ami tries again and gets it right. With that—ta dah!— breakfast is served.

Ami seems to love playing with her miniatures, which have her recreating human situations in an endearing way. You can watch her pick up her school supplies and put them away, ravage the fridge for a late-night snack, and even do laundry. But it’s not all chores. Ami also gets to play with her iPad and learn to play the piano with her human. As if seeing her navigate these activities wasn’t cute enough, her sweet face and her excitement at seeing new things make it all even more adorable.

To stay up to date with Ami and her domestic adventures, make sure to follow her on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Meet Ami, a rainbow-colored sun parakeet who has melted hearts around the world with her videos showing her cooking, going to the supermarket, and even vacuuming with tiny bird-sized props.


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Una publicación compartida por みーちゃ。 (@koganeami)

Ami seems to love playing with her miniatures, which have her recreating human situations in an endearing way.


Ver esta publicación en Instagram


Una publicación compartida por みーちゃ。 (@koganeami)

You can watch her pick up her school supplies and put them away, ravage the fridge for a late-night snack, and even do laundry.


Ver esta publicación en Instagram


Una publicación compartida por みーちゃ。 (@koganeami)

As if seeing her navigate these activities wasn’t cute enough on its own, her sweet face and her excitement at seeing new things make it all even more adorable.


Ver esta publicación en Instagram


Una publicación compartida por みーちゃ。 (@koganeami)

Ami sunconure (Koganeami): Instagram | YouTube | TikTok
h/t: [Boing Boing]

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