Amazing White Paper Sculptures (12 total)

While most of us will look at white paper and think about school or work, Jeff Nishinaka thinks about something entirely different. Nishinaka sees a world of possibilities or art in the making. Using nothing more than white paper, glue and a sharp knife, he creates unbelievably intricate sculptures of everything from landmarks to wildlife. Taking months to create and selling for thousands of dollars, Nishinaka’s sculptures are truly works of art. They measure anywhere from 2 feet to 20 feet high and are made for clients including Bloomingdales, The Peninsula Hotel, Paramount Pictures and Coca Cola. Just how did Nishinaka start down this path? He began experimenting with paper as part of a project during his student days at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. As he says, “We could choose any type of medium, like matchsticks, nails and clay. I chose paper and made a fish sculpture – it was an ‘ah-ha!’ moment for me. After that I quickly developed a feel for working with paper. I began experimenting with different papers, finding ways to shape, bend, and round edges on it. I knew I was destined to make paper sculptures.”

Jeff Nishinaka with one of his sculptures. The most interesting thing about his sculptures is that though they look 3D, they’re actually 2D. The illusion is achieved by layering and lighting. Jeff Nishinaka via Daily Mail and Telegraph

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