Spilled Wine and Acid Create Spellbinding Scenes

While we’ve featured the dreamy photos of 22-year-old film photographer Alison Scarpulla’s before, we focused on her double exposures and were not yet aware of some of her incredibly unusual techniques. Foregoing Photoshop or other digital post processing, she instead smears water and dirt on her lenses. She also dips her negatives in acid and wine or blows smoke on them till she gets the light or dark effect she seeks to achieve.

I received a nice email from Alison’s aunt Corry this morning who informed me about these self-taught processes. She wrote, “Her photography encompasses an alternative reality. The photos of this world are almost always in Alison’s life, together with her closest friends. You could say that she simply waits for the universe to unfold before her. Her photography is like a painted interpretation of the unit of herself and her surroundings.

“Ali is my niece and I think your audience would appreciate her talent.”

Alison Scarpulla’s Flickr and Facebook

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