Dynamic Black and White Photos Capture Dramatic Light in NYC

While visiting New York City, Geneva-based self-taught photographer Alex Teuscher wanted to capture the day-to-day life and fantastic architecture throughout the popular tourist destination. He explored for ten days and documented iconic locations like Times Square, Rockefeller Center, and Central Park.

Afterwards, using a wide variety of post-processing techniques, Teuscher transformed his photographs into a dynamic black and white collection. By eliminating color, he created dramatic lights and shadows that produce an unusually eerie quality and change the traditionally bright, lively, and energetic way that viewers perceive the frequently visited spots.

“All these shots were taken pretty much following the usual tourist trail in Manhattan… the locations along that trail are iconic for a reason,” he explained. “I wanted to present them differently however, like the Chrysler and Empire state buildings in different compositions than they are usually seen in. I also wanted black and white, to really simplify and make it about light, contrast, and strength of composition in the street scenes below and in the architecture above.”

Alex Teuscher’s website
via [PetaPixel]

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