Fantastic 3D Drawings Pop Off the Page by Alessandro Diddi

Italian artist Alessandro Diddi uses his creative talents to draw mind-bending illusions. The playful anamorphic works trick our eye into thinking that his pencil renderings have come to life. A firm handshake, a bird spreading its wings, and a fire-breathing dragon all pop-off the pages of Diddi’s fantastic illustrations.

The artist plays with light, shading, and perspective to make these 2D sketches become 3D characters. He’ll also strategically fold or combine separate sheets of paper to construct the illusions. This requires him to carefully plan out how the two pages will intersect so that they seamlessly blend into one cohesive image. Sometimes, Diddi even interacts with his works to further the idea that they’ve got a mind of their own. The results are delightful and highlight the fun to be had with drawing.

Alessandro Diddi DeviantArt page
via [Scene 360]

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