Self-Sustaining Floating City is a Modern Day Noah’s Ark

This floating city is an innovative concept designed to function as a modern day Noah’s Ark. The self-sustaining city was developed by Serbia-based Aleksandar Joksimovic and Jelena Nikolic as a means to support life–from humans and animals to fish, plants, and trees–in the case of an extreme natural disaster.

The proposal extends urban living out, beyond land, and onto the watery surfaces of the world. The idea is just part of a network of islands that could connect underwater via tunnel so that communities could grow and expand over time without the need to be bound to land.

Noah’s Ark would be anchored by flexible cables connected to the ocean floor and protected around the edges by a wall standing more than 200-feet tall. The land would provide residential, commercial, and recreational spaces for residents in the unconventional island powered by solar, wind, and wave energy. This inventive concept is just one of many ideas of how future generations could choose to live.

Evolo website
via [Inhabitat]

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