Loving Dad Helps Son with Down Syndrome Continue to Fly in Uplifting Photos

Art director Alan Lawrence is paying tribute to Down Syndrome Awareness Month by giving his son Wil more opportunities to fly. The dedicated dad first began the uplifting Wil Can Fly series by photoshopping his son in a variety of scenes, so that it looks as though he’s soaring above the earth. “As I started looking at these pics, I just thought, I know he’s going to be able to do anything he puts his mind to,” Lawrence told The Mighty. “He wanted to fly, and then there he was, flying. It’s an overarching message about all kids with Down syndrome. We feel like they can do anything they put their minds to.”

Since Lawrence’s meaningful project began in April, he’s funded a Wil Can Fly calendar through Kickstarter. Half of all the proceeds will be donated to Reece’s Rainbow and Ruby’s Rainbow, which are two Down syndrome charities. “We hope this calendar will help bring change and inclusion for people with Down Syndrome,” Lawrence explained. “These photos [will] hang in homes or offices, illustrating the joy and worth people with Down Syndrome have to offer the world.”

As for Wil himself, he consistently inspires everyone he meets and is working to change the negative stigmas surrounding Down syndrome. “Wil has brought a new dimension to our family and has helped us to look past the world’s preconceived notions of normal,” Lawrence says. “We look forward to witnessing more of Wil’s unconditional love as he grows and we discover how to truly live life through him.”

Alan Lawrence: Website | Blog | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
via [The Mighty]

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