The Sleek Flying Car of the Future is Here Now


A flying car was something once left to the realm of science fiction, but now it looks like it’s actually a reality. The Solvakia-based company AeroMobil recently unveiled the sleek-looking AeroMobil 3.0, the latest version of its flying car. It was shown at the Pioneers Festival in Vienna, Austria, and it’s now certified by the Slovak Federation of Ultra-Light Flying.

The AeroMobil 2.5 took off after 20 years of development, and only a year later version 3.0 was ready to go. The newest iteration includes variable wing angles (which shortens take-off requirements) and a sturdier suspension that enables takeoffs and landings in rough terrain.

AeroMobil 3.0 has room for two passengers and can fly up to 430 miles at speeds of 124 MPH. When grounded, it travels up to 310 miles at speeds of 100 MPH. The company’s hope is that this advancement will make personal transportation more exciting, efficient, and sustainable. “With ever more cars on the roads and ever more crowded airports, traveling is no longer what it used to be,” AeroMobil’s CTO Stefan Klein said.

The hybrid transportation vehicle is now being tested in real flight conditions. Currently, the company hasn’t announced pricing or a sale date for the AeroMobil 3.0.

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via [Inhabitat]

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