Loving Father’s Sweet Photos of His Kids Capture the Magic of Childhood

adrian c. murray childhood photos family photography

The last time we checked in with photographer Adrian C. Murray, he was busy photographing the bond between his 2 young sons and their beloved teddy bear. Since then, the family has welcomed a baby girl to the family, who, along with her brothers, is the subject of Murray’s magical photographs.

In his recent work, Murray continues to chronicle the tender moments experienced by his children. Whether they’re swaying on their rocking horse, cuddling with their dogs Sophie and Charlie (the devoted service dog of the eldest son, who suffers from epilepsy), or simply playing make-believe, their father is there to capture it for his collection of childhood photos. No activity is too mundane to shoot, as his primary goal is to document his kids’ youth.

I entered into photography with the singular goal to capture my children while they grew up,” he explains on his website. “I’ve heard too many times that ‘they grow up too quickly.’ That’s why I wanted to get as much of their lives recorded as possible.”

What makes Murray’s precious project even sweeter is the way that it has inspired his children. As they’ve grown up around clicking cameras and their father’s photographic equipment, they’ve begun to explore the craft on their own. In some photos, even the infant girl can be seen tinkering with a camera. “They want to be just like dad,” the proud father says.

See some of the tender childhood photos shot by doting dad Adrian C. Murray below.

adrian c. murray childhood photos family photographyadrian c. murray childhood photos photography children youthadrian c. murray childhood photos family photographyadrian c. murray childhood photos photography children youthadrian c. murray childhood photos family photographyadrian c. murray childhood photos photography children youthadrian c. murray childhood photos family photographyadrian c. murray childhood photos photography children youthadrian c. murray childhood photos family photographyadrian c. murray childhood photos photography children youthadrian c. murray childhood photos family photographyadrian c. murray childhood photos photography children youthadrian c. murray childhood photos family photographyadrian c. murray childhood photos photography children youthadrian c. murray childhood photos family photographyadrian c. murray childhood photos photography children youthAdrian C Murray: WebsiteFacebook | Instagram | Twitter500px
h/t: [Feature Shoot]

All images via Adrian C. Murray.

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