Adobe’s Futuristic Museum is Here

Welcome to the first digital museum, Adobe has now opened their virtual doors. Showcasing the best of digital media, Adobe has created a place that only lives online called Adobe Museum of Digital Media. Their first exhibit, called Valley, is by Tony Oursler, an American multimedia and installation artist.

Seventeen areas form a virtual flowchart which invites the viewer to interact with it. As Oursler states, “Ourslers Valley, the inaugural exhibition in the Adobe Museum of Virtual Media, relates to the history and current practices and activities in the vast linking network of the internet. In this virtual installation, the internet is presented as a physical flowchart, which would use 3D dynamic rendering to facilitate user interactivity. The flowchart is a whimsical Rube Goldberg like virtual construction, divided into 17 interlinking zones of activity.

The flowchart installation is augmented by a curatorial guide, both comic and existential, performed by Tom Eccles, that who appears unexpectedly to comment and pontificate on the meanings and possibilities of the internet.” More than anything, check out the Artist Bio to be introduced to Tony Oursler in an unusual way. That experience is, in itself, pretty entertaining.

Adobe Museum of Digital Media

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