Three-Dimensional Sculpture Creates Portal Illusion

Architect friends Adam Scales, Pierre Berthelomeau, and Paul Van Den Berg worked together to create this surprising and playful installation, entitled Reframe, for the 2012 Festival of Lively Architecture. Through visual exploration and movement, visitors will be pleasantly surprised by the variations and changes that appear. From one perspective, the structure is the shape of a three dimensional cube. From a new angle, viewers can see a series of separate, flat polycarbonate sheets standing just a few inches apart.

The architects built the structure together in Rotterdam, where they combine their styles of “researching, testing by doing, and initiating and challenging the social and physical building of the city” through a hands-on approach. Realities and perceptions constantly change as you move around the space, play peek-a-boo with viewers on the opposite end of the row, or challenge your eyes to see the illusion of a long, square tunnel. Visitors will find themselves repeatedly adjusting (or reframing) their understanding of the installation as the complex architectural elements reveal new details and surprises.

Festival of Lively Architecture website
via [booooooom]

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