A Fascinating Look At American History: 1860-1971 (20 LIFE photos)

A little while ago Alice wrote a post about LIFE’s photo archive hosted by Google. It’s such a privilege to be able to get a glimpse of what life looked like over 100 years ago. These photographers have captured priceless historical moments over the centuries. Here are 20 images that caught my eye. Above, Civil War (L-R): Maj. Allan Pinkerton, US Pres. Abraham Lincoln (wearing his trademark stovepipe hat) & Gen. John A. McClernand, in front of pitched tent on battlefield while Civil War is taking place. Location: Antietam, MD, US Date taken: October 1862 Photographer: Alexander Gardner

Civil War Officers of Irish 69th NY Militia surrounding 8-inch seacoast howitzer as their commander Col. Michael Corcoran (far, L) stands to side, during early days of Civil War, at Fort Corcoran. Location: Arlington, VA, US Date taken: 1860

War And Conflict-Civil War Cassius M. Clay Battalion defending White House, during Civil War. Location: Washington, DC, US Date taken: April 1861

Rear view of former slave revealing scars on his back from savage whipping, in photo taken after he escaped to become Union soldier during Civil War. Location: US Date taken: 1863

Wright brothers Wilbur (R) and Orville (at controls) with their 1903 airplane “Kitty Hawk” on first flight lasting twelve seconds. Location: Kitty Hawk, NC, US Date taken: December 17, 1903

Crowd gathered in front of buildings felled by massive earthquake which rocked the San Francisco area. Location: San Francisco, CA, US Date taken: April 18, 1906 Date taken: July 19, 1919

Roosevelt US Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt (C) riding in jeep, visiting US troops stationed in Sicily during WW II. Location: Italy Date taken: 1944

Aerial of ships in Pearl Harbor Navy Yard. Location: Hawaii, US Date taken: 1945 Photographer: W. Eugene Smith

Jackie Robinson Baseball great Jackie Robinson during filming of “The Jackie Robinson Story”. Location: CA, US Date taken: March 1950 Photographer: J. R. Eyerman

Actress Marilyn Monroe at home. Location: Hollywood, CA, US Date taken: 1953 Photographer: Alfred Eisenstaedt

Sen. John Kennedy (R) w. bride Jacqueline (L) in wedding attire, sitting together at table, eating pineapple salad at formally set table outdoors at their wedding reception. Location: Newport, RI, US Date taken: September 1953 Photographer: Lisa Larsen

Second Siege/Petersburg, Va Rev. Martin Luther King, at Atlanta University for SCLC-sponsored student conference. Location: Atlanta, GA, US Date taken: May 1960 Photographer: Howard Sochurek

Jackie Kennedy Jackie Kennedy helping daughter Caroline put on her rain hat and slicker before going out to play, at home. Location: Hyannis Port, MA, US Date taken: September 13, 1960 Photographer: Alfred Eisenstaedt

Jacqueline Kennedy attending the inauguration of her husband, Pres. John F. Kennedy. Location: Washington, DC, US Date taken: January 20, 1961 Photographer: Paul Schutzer

Horizontal view of huge crowd gathered on the Mall between the Lincoln and Washington Monument during the civil rights March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Location: Washington, DC, US Date taken: August 28, 1963 Photographer: Robert W. Kelley

Commuters reading of John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Location: NY, US Date taken: November 1963 Photographer: Carl Mydans

RFK Assassination Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy (on floor in fore) being comforted by busboy Juan Romero (R – in white jacket) and others as camera crews hover about following (fatal) shooting by Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan. Location: CA, US Date taken: June 05, 1968 Photographer: Bill Eppridge

Apollo XI astronaut Buzz Aldrin standing on surface of Moon near leg of Lunar Module “Eagle” w. reflection of astronaut Neil Armstrong & module shining on face mask. Date taken: July 20, 1969

Joe Frazier vs. Mohammed Ali at Madison Square Garden. Location: New York, NY, US Date taken: March 08, 1971 Photographer: John Shearer

Group portrait of entire Walt Disney World staff, including cast of costumed Disney characters in fore, standing in front of Cinderella Castle prior to grand opening of amusement park. Location: Orlando, FL, US Date taken: October 15, 1971 Photographer: Yale Joel Life photos hosted by Google

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