A Fan So Powerful…

Just how powerful is the Arno Turbo Silence fan? Apparently, it’s powerful enough to roll a car onto its side! Brazilian ad agency Publicis created this brilliant over-the-top installation, which piqued the interest of those on the street, just casually passing by.

“To demonstrate the power of the Arno Turbo Silence fan, we created a display that showed the product actually working at the entrance of stores,” says Publicis. “At the street, in front of the display, we turned a real car over on its side. The action showed, in practical terms, the product’s main benefit.”

Advertising Agency: Publicis, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Creative Directors: Hugo Rodrigues, Kevin Zung
Art Director: Sidney Araujo
Copywriter: Rodrigo Strozenberg
Published: February 2011

Publicis website
via [Ads of the World]

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