Chiquita Banana Gets Rebranded

Chiquita Banana recently rebranded themselves by introducing sticker characters. Staying true to themselves with that familiar blue and yellow color scheme, it was imperative that they build upon their brand equity rather than start from scratch. Head on over to Design Related to read the thought process behind the rebrand with a great interview from designer DJ Neff.

Here’s one of my favorite parts:
“Many times as designers we are tasked to help brands build or rebuild their identities. We may initially think that a clean slate is required to achieve a better identity, and in some cases that can be true if the existing brand identity has little to no value. But in most cases, there is always something that can be built on, discovered, or championed with any brand. It really just requires spending as much time as you can with the product, immersing yourself in it. Like method designing, you just have to live it and the work will flow through you.”

And enjoy these cute outtakes!

Next time you pick up a banana, remember to collect those cute stickers!

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