ABOVE’s First Loves (3 Different Editions)

Normal Edition

As a testament to his ever-growing popularity, artist ABOVE just released three new prints (1 normal and 2 special editions) and one of his special editions has already sold out. He’s releasing only a limited number of prints (60 normal edition, 11 special arrow edition, and 10 very special hand finish arrow edition), so make sure you pick one up before they’re all sold out. “I am extremely happy with the final result of each of the first love prints. The imagery is something that anyone who has been in love can relate to. Love can take on many different forms and stages and this print resembles the chase and innocence of trying to grab hold and keep that first love.” Special Arrow Edition

“Being known for my arrow’s I thought it would be a great twist to the print to switch out the hearts for arrows. In addition this arrow edtion could be more suitable for the broken hearted and cynical lover.” Arrow Hand Finish Edition

“Each of the 25+ ascending arrows that the young girl is blowing were I carefully painted with different watercolors. There was a lot of love put into finishing and coloring each of these prints.” Visit Go Above for pricing and details Related: Urban Street Art – When in Rome by ABOVE Urban Street Art: ABOVE Takes on the Berlin Wall (6 pics) An AIG Easter Egg Hunt By Above Urban Street Art – Stealing from the Rich, and Giving to the Poor ABOVE’s Reverse Psychology

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