12 Masters of Visual Storytelling

Koen Demuynck [Link]

While some may say that every picture tells a story, I’m under the belief that only a few can do it right. These are the masters of storytelling, the ones who can draw out an emotion in us and leave us with a lasting memory. We’ve written about some of these photographers right here at theMET. Like Erik Johansson who stretches our imagination and turns reason upside down and inside out. Or August Bradley, who crafts amazing scenes out of his imagination and who cites authors, such as Thomas Pynchon and David Foster Wallace, over fellow photographers as his sources of inspiration. Thank you, photographers and artists, for showing us your point of view. For explaining that it’s our stories that connect us and our life experiences that bind us. Thank you for being today’s modern-day storyteller. Erik Johansson

[Link] Ashot Gevorkyan and Yaryshev Evgeny

[Link] Christoph Martin Schmid

[Link] Markku Lahdesmaki

[Link] David Zaitz

[Link] Ian Pool

[Link] August Bradley

[Link] Insight Dopamine

[Link] Maleonn

[Link] Alessandro Bavari

[Link] Teun Hocks

[Link] Also, check out: 12 (More) Masters of Visual Storytelling Related: Koen Demuynck – Creative Genius (16 photos) Superheroes Caught in the Act (6 pics) Crazy Scenes In Da Car (22 photos) Vivid Storytelling – Christoph Martin Schmid (10 photos) The Humorous Side of Everyday Life – David Zaitz (7 pics)

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