The Magnificent Milford Sound (8 Photos)

Could it be? Did we just witness what some international surveys call the #1 destination in the world? Milford Sounds top Tripadvisor’s 2008 list for its breathtaking waterfalls and sheer cliff faces. Often called the 8th Wonder of the World, it’s visited by one million people each year and is only accessible by one road.

Though called a sound, we learned that it’s actually a fjord, because it’s a long, narrow inlet with steep sides, created in a valley carved by glacial activity.

Sam, Sonny and I made the 3 1/2 hour car ride (one way) to catch a boat and cruise around Milford Sound for about 2 hours. In 35 degree weather, we braved the cold by wearing multiple layers (count them 5 for me!). Oh but what a view! We got up close and personal with cascading waterfalls, cruising right underneath them for some of these shots.

Here are a few pictures from our journey.

View from the boat

A passing boat

Majestic mountains

A beautiful waterfall

And another

Me and Sam right after our boat ride

Mirror Lake (on the way out of Milford Sound)

Tomorrow is our last full day in Queenstown. We’ll be fishing and riding the Shotover Jet. Will report again manana. Till then, my friends!

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