Modern Architecture – Harvest Green: Vertical Farm (7 pics)

The “Harvest Green Project” by Romses Architects was a winning entry in Vancouver’s “2030 Challenge”. The goal of the competition was “to address climate change plans and to guide greener and denser development, reducing carbon emissions for the future.”

The concept is based on vertical farming of vegetables, herbs, fruits, fish, egg laying chickens, and a boutique goat and sheep dairy facility. The tower will be powered by photovoltaic glazing, small and large-scale wind turbines, and methane generated from compost. A rainwater cistern on top of the tower will provide irrigation for on-site crops and roof gardens.

In addition to farm and garden facilities, the tower will also contain a plant and seed lab, an organic foods store, a supermarket, a harvest restaurant, a transit station, and underground parking. Regardless of whether it is ever built, the “Harvest Green Project” represents a potential urban future of mixed-use buildings with tenants that work together (i.e the roof garden supplies food to the restaurant and supermarket, the plant and seed lab provides research for the roof garden, etc.).

via designboom and fast company

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