Urban Graffiti – Simpsons Street Art (10 photos)

Nakor – Warsaw, Poland

One of our favorite TV families just got a little more street cred. How cool are these Simpsons graffiti pieces from all over the world? The image of Homer breaking through a wall by Nakor is my favorite. While most of these other murals come to us from Vancouver, in honor of Vancouver’s 2010 Winter Olympics, one of these is from legendary street artist, Banksy. Can you tell which one?


Banksy – New Orleans

Queens, NYC

Jakarta, Indonesia

London sources: homer by nakor, vancover flickr set, simpsons men in black, banksy simpsons, simpsons alien graffiti, homer in indonesia More Awesome Urban Street Artwork: Cityscope – An Urban Kaleidoscope: Cologne, Germany (8 photoshttp://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/urban-graffiti-simpsons/edit) URBAN SPOTLIGHT – BANKSY An Urban Artist I’d Like You to Meet – SpY: Madrid Urban Street Art – Reading Minds: Brooklyn, New York Gutter Art – The 6emeia Project: So Paulo, Brazil Check out theMET Homepage

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