Hi-Def Pics – Amazingly Beautiful Cathedrals of Europe (11 photos)

When I visited Europe many years ago, I was blown away by the remarkable beauty of their cathedrals. The outside of the churches were so meticulously detailed, while the paintings and sculptures made the inside seem like heaven. Below are some HDR enhanced photos by one of my favorite photographers, Trey Ratcliff.

Outside of the Duomo (top), Three steps inside the Duomo. (above)

Inside the Duomo.

Notre Dame – Paris, France.

Inside Notre Dame.

Saint Michael’s Cathedral – Rome, Italy.

Another small church in Amsterdam.

Notre Dame de Lyon – France.

A small church in Rome, Italy.

A small church in Rome, Italy.

Santa Maria de Maggiore – Rome, Italy. Trey Ratcliff’s website More Hi-Def Pics: The Majectic Ancient Ruins of Angkor Wat: Siem Riep, Cambodia (11 photos) World Animal Day (18 photos) Strikingly Beautiful Shots of Etosha National Park, Namibia (13 photos) Earth From Above: Stunning Images (22 photos) Strikingly Beautiful Landscapes (8 photos) Mumbai Under Attack (CAUTION: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC – 22 photos)

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