Hi-Def Pics – Best Animal Pictures of 2008 (13 Photos)

Animals never cease to amaze me. Some are cute, some are scary – some are serious, some are funny. One thing is for sure…they’re all pretty amusing. Here is a compilation of best animal pictures of 2008. Above, monkeys of Yamanouchi, Japan, relax in a natural hot spring.

A polar bear dries off.

Aman, a 20-year-old orangutan had his eyesight restored after 10 years of blindness.

Meet White Diamond the albino alligator.

These soggy bald eagles dove into the back of an uncovered dump truck full of fish guts and became too wet to fly away.

Conchita, a three-week-old white-naped mangabey monkey at London Zoo, found protection in the form of an old teddy…

A Siberian tiger cub manages to get his foot in his mouth.

A shy giant panda cub.

A lion cub warms up.

A feisty little leopard cub.

Baby orangutans having a bad hair day at a Indonesian nursery.

This walrus has mad saxophone skills.

Penguins get into the Christmas spirit! Courtesy of Telegraph

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