Artist Adds ‘Star Wars’ To Discarded Paintings He Finds in Thrift Stores

Altered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & Goods

While many people may overlook old thrift store paintings, Dave (of Arrowhead Vintage & Goods) actually seeks them out to transform the outdated landscapes into surreal sci-fi scenes. He alters old, forgotten artworks by adding pop culture characters that seem to blend seamlessly within the painterly scenes. From the Iron Giant treading through a forest to Godzilla at the beach, Dave adds characters from a whole host of fantasy films. But there’s one particular movie franchise that seems to inspire the upcycling artist the most—Star Wars.

Many of Dave’s altered paintings capture a strange, dystopian world where the Star Wars Universe has landed on planet Earth. In one painting, R2-D2 faces off against an incoming fleet of Galactic Empire combat vehicles at the beach. In another, a Starfighter battles with TIE fighters in the sky, above a quaint, snow-covered landscape. Each work looks as though the Star Wars elements were always there, like the original painting was completed en plein air, in the midst of the space opera chaos.

When Dave isn’t updating old paintings, he’s running his vintage store in Ohio. You can buy prints of his work via his online store.

Dave (of Arrowhead Vintage & Goods) transforms old thrift store paintings into surreal sci-fi scenes.

Altered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & Goods

The altered paintings capture a strange, dystopian world where the Star Wars Universe has come to planet Earth.

Altered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & Goods

Pretty landscapes are transformed into battle grounds for the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire.

Altered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & GoodsAltered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & GoodsAltered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & GoodsAltered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & GoodsAltered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & Goods

Dave also creates up-cycled art featuring other sci-fi characters.

Godzilla Altered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & GoodsStar Trek Altered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & GoodsRick and Morty Altered Thrift Store Paintings by Arrowhead Vintage & GoodsArrowhead Vintage & Goods: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Arrowhead Vintage & Goods.

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